The Student-Entrepreneur National Status (SNEE)
Studying and undertaking? Are you a student or a young graduate? Do you have an idea for a startup and want to make it a reality? Obtain the Student-Entrepreneur National Status (SNEE) and get help!
Le SNEE, qu’est-ce que c’est ?
The Student-Entrepreneur National Status (SNEE) is available throughout France. It allows you to build and develop your project while benefiting from support whatever the entrepreneurial approach.
Who is this status for?
It is aimed at students and graduates from the BAC or equivalent and without age limit.
How to obtain this status?
1. Go to the platform to submit your request for status
2. A commitment committee reviews your application
3. Based on your motivation and the qualities of your entrepreneurial project, you will be granted the status.
If you are in a situation of disability or affected by a debilitating health condition, you can benefit from accommodations tailored to your needs once you have obtained the Student-Entrepreneur National Status.
What are the benefits for students?
A double mentoring by a teacher tutor and an external tutor (entrepreneur or professional)
Networking with the entrepreneurial ecosystem and the network of 33 Pépite
Access to a coworking space* (*according to the Pépite)
Financing assistance (regional and national competitions, honorary loans and fundraising…)
Possibility of legal support through the CAPE (Contrat d’Appui au Projet d’Entreprise) contract
Substitute your internship to devote yourself to your entrepreneurial project
Organize your schedule and get ECTS equivalences
As part of the D2E, continue to receive scholarships based on social criteria with the respect of certain criteria; receive benefits from Pôle Emploi thanks to an accepted training plan
Reduction of fees thanks to the ACCRE program up to the age of 26
Contact your Pépite to find all the information on the sessions

Student-Entrepreneur Diploma
It is open to anyone who has obtained the Student-Entrepreneur National Status.
Registration for D2E is mandatory for graduates; it is strongly recommended for current students, but is not mandatory.
D2E takes place over one academic year and allows you to obtain an institutional diploma that can be used in your career path.
Good to know: D2E registration fees cost a maximum of €500 per year.
The advantages
Can lead to ECTS credits
Validation of the entrepreneurial project instead of an internship
Recognition of D2E learning outcomes
Possibility of extending the right to scholarships